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Avisafe Disinfectant

World leader cleaner/disinfectant.

Our manufacturer has confirmed that Avisafe disinfectant is effective against Coronavirus at a 1:50 dilution rate! It is also DEFRA approved against Avian Flu! Protect yourself and your birds.

Avisafe can be used safely for a broad range of cleaning requirements.

A liquid disinfectant available in a concentrate or ready to use version

Kills yeasts, fungi, viruses and bacteria. Effective against Avian Flu at a 1:50 dilution rate (i.e. 20mls of Avisafe to 1 litre of water).

Safe, non-corrosive and easy to use

No toxic fumes or strong smells given off

Can be used safely in the presence of birds so long as there are no puddles of disinfectant left

Stable, long shelf life


Avisafe is DEFRA approved against three orders:

Diseases of poultry order

Avian Influenza

Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals order

Stop Press – Avisafe has been tested and approved by DEFRA as effective against highly Pathogenic Avian Flu! Also effective against Coronavirus! It is also an excellent cleaner so is great for removing bird droppings from cages and perches. It can be used onto cage walls and perches and left to dry. There is no need to remove birds from the cages/aviary.

Price: £6.95

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