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The Family Run Pet Shop
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Daily Essentials 3

On food avian multi vitamins and minerals with amino acids.

Add to soft food or fruits/veg. Helps maintain healthy immune and digestive systems. Treats many vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Prevents/treats obesity.

VitA,D3,E,K,B12,C.Niacin,Pantothenic acid,Riboflavin,Thiamine,Pyridoxine,Folic acid,Choline Bitatrate and Biotin. Minerals magnesium,Zinc,sulphur,iron,cobalt,copper,manganese selenium,iodine,amino acids.

1 teaspoon per day for: 30 pairs canaries/finches; 20 pairs budgerigars; 12 pairs cockatiel sized birds; 10 pairs Rosella size birds; 6 pairs greys/amazons; 4 pairs cockatoos/macaws.

Price: £5.40

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